Guidance on using the International Version of In Time for Tomorrow? the International Carbon Conversations Handbook.

Crative Commons Logo In Time for Tomorrow? The International Carbon Conversations Handbook is issued under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons Licenses protect authors’ work in a way similar to but more flexible than normal copyright. This means that you are allowed to:
  • Translate In Time for Tomorrow? The International Carbon Conversations Handbook into another language
  • Add your own country-specific personal testimonies (the personal stories with photos which appear throughout the original In Time for Tomorrow?)
  • Add country-specific factual material like that in the original In Time for Tomorrow? (In practice this factual material is probably more easily issued as a separate document as it will be fiddly to insert and goes out of date quickly.)
Please respect the integrity of our original text and do not make other edits. If there are other things which for some reason you wish to change, please contact us first.

Note that you may not use the material for commercial gain.
Your document must also be issued under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The document must make our authorship clear and link to our website.
You must also make it clear what changes you have made. For example:
“This work is a translation of In Time for Tomorrow? the International Carbon Conversations Handbook by Rosemary Randall and Andy Brown, published by the authors under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and translated by (name of your translator) for (name of your organisation).
The personal testimonies on pages (x, y, z etc.) have been added by (name of person responsible and name of organisation)
The graph on p. x has been added by (name of person responsible and name of organisation)”
The material on (Home Energy/Travel/Food/ Consumption) (pp a-b, x-y, etc.) has been added by (name of person responsible and name of organisation)
Find more information on using Creative Commons Licenses.

We are very happy to help you in any way we can with your translation and use of the International Version. Please contact us with your questions, particularly if you are unsure about whether what you wish to do is acceptable.

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