29 June 2022

Living with the climate Crisis

 We announced in March that we were developing the successor to Carbon Conversations. It now has a name. The new groups will be called Living with the Climate Crisis.

Ro Randall, Rebecca Nestor, Daniela Fernandez-Catherall and Andy Brown have almost finished a first draft of the new materials for facilitators and are currently running a pilot group.
The Climate Psychology Alliance, who are going to support and host Living with the Climate Crisis, are seeking funding to enable the creation and design of the new materials and a simple website to enable them to be downloaded. Of the £3,000 needed for this, Cambridge Climate Therapists have pledged  £1,500 which they have raised through consultancy work. The Climate Psychology Alliance need to raise the rest by crowd funding.
They have a crowdfunding page for you to support the project:

It would be great if any members of the existing Carbon Conversations community feel able to donate. 

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