Can I call my group a Carbon Conversation?

Carbon Conversations remains a registered trademark. We are happy for people running Carbon Conversations groups, as described in the Facilitator’s Guide, to call these groups ‘Carbon Conversations.’ Make sure you link to this website wherever you mention 'Carbon Conversations'. For other uses of the materials please acknowledge their source and link to this website. See the small print. If in doubt – please contact us with your questions! 

Are you going to update the factual material?

No. You will have to supplement anything that is out of date with up to date facts of your own.

What evidence do you have for measurable changes people have made as a result of carbon conversations?

Measuring changes is difficult but the evidence we do have suggests that a typical participant may make changes that result in savings of between 1 and 3 tonnes. You can read more and follow links to the more detailed evidence.

Can I still buy printed copies of the materials?

Unfortunately, In Time for Tomorrow? is now out of print. The Surefoot Effect CIC may still have some copies, contact them at info@surefoot-effect.com.

What is a Creative Commons License?

It’s an alternative to copyright that protects authors’ original work but allows for freer distribution and sharing, particularly online. More details at https://creativecommons.org.

Can I charge people to come to a Carbon Conversations group?

The Creative Commons License means that you can’t charge people for the materials but you can charge for your facilitation, for the hire of the room, for your advertising and for any other costs associated with running a group. (Also see the small print.)

Can I use Carbon Conversations in the workplace?

Yes. A number of people have experimented with using Carbon Conversations in workplaces. The six-or twelve session model doesn’t fit easily with most workplace commitments and training schedules but you may be able to adapt some of the methods and materials, in particular the ‘What about at work?’ sections of In Time for Tomorrow?

Can Carbon Conversations be adapted for use with children?

Other approaches and methods are more appropriate. The issue is one of power. Carbon Conversations is addressed to adults with the power to make changes in their personal lives which will result in carbon reduction. Children do not have this power and will be made anxious by being told they should take actions or live in a way that they do not have the power to achieve.
Do not be persuaded by people who believe that children should be targeted to use 'pester power' to make their parents recycle or make carbon reductions. It's both unethical and ineffective. You may be able to use Carbon Conversations with 16-18 year olds in the same way you can with university students but do not be tempted to adapt the materials for younger children. Look for other more creative ways of working on climate change with them. This piece we wrote a few years ago discusses this issue in more detail.  

How do I become a Carbon Conversations facilitator?

There is no longer any official training for Carbon Conversations facilitators. Anyone can use the materials. Anyone can run a group. The key thing is to have prior experience of facilitation, to be attuned to the emotional costs of facing climate change and to be able to deal creatively with the experiences of your group members as they struggle with the issues. A good source for understanding these psychological experiences is the Climate Psychology Alliance  A number of the people who used to offer training for the project may still be able to do so, including Surefoot. We will be happy to put you in touch with trainers we know and post any training events on the news page here.